Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving with Friends

We celebrated Thanksgiving a few days early with our neighbors, the Caulkins. Even their dad came! The whole meal turned out great.

We made two pumpkin pies and bought apple and cherry pies. I made deviled eggs and Daniel was in charge of the Turkey. We also had sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, stuffing, and all the fixings. I made the traditional cheese and cracker tray that my Dad always made when I was growing up.

The only rough patch was the night before when Daniel accidentally bought a frozen turkey that takes 3 to 4 days to thaw. So I asked my friends on the Two Peas in a Bucket message board for help and they told us to go buy a fresh turkey. Can you believe we didn't know that you could buy them already defrosted? Other than that, the whole day went off without a hitch! Happy Thanksgiving!

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