Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nos Familia

During the week of Thanks giving we were so blessed to be able to have Daniel's brother, Ben, and his family come all the way from Texas to stay with us. They drove to Oklahoma and then flew the rest of the way here to Colorado. That's quite a trip with three kids including their sweet new baby girl, Hadassah.

Ben teaches high school Spanish in Del Rio during the school year, and then he packs up his family during all the breaks to lead mission teams into Mexico. His wife, Diana, is native to Mexico. Her family runs an orphanage just across the border in Acuna. She is learning English much faster than I am learning Spanish. She even substitute teaches sometimes for Ben.

While they were here, they let me take portraits of their family. Little Nehmi never smiled once. I wish I knew what he was thinking behind those big brown eyes. Also during their stay, Ben took a long run every morning. On Thanksgiving morning he was gone for four hours and we all thought he got lost. He hadn't brought his cell phone with him, so we all went out in teams looking for him. We needn't have worried. He timed his run perfectly to be back in time for the important part, food!

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