An Inside Look Into Our Big Crazy Adoptive Family!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Crazy Christmas 2009
Daniel was working straight through Christmas and New Years with some overtime in between. So we decided to celebrate Christmas a few days early on his days off. The kids sure didn't mind when we announced on Monday that the next day would be Christmas for our family. The best gifts of 2009? Danya and Gloria each got a Nintendo DS as their one big gift. Shane got a Batman car that races across the floor and knocks down barrels. Kevin got a Disney Cars truck that carries other cars. It was the one thing he specifically asked for. Katie liked everyone else's toys, but she's played a lot with some stacking cups she got. Daniel got a dad shirt with all the kids' names on it, and although I like the socks with music notes on them that I got, my favorite toy has been the second hand Nintendo Gamecube that we gave the kids. I've enjoyed playing games with them and Daniel, especially Paper Mario.
I'm a 39 year old Christian mom of 10 kids. I have six girls; Danya age 17, Gloria age 15, Jordan age 15, Brianna age 14, Katie age 8, and our other 8 year old Karyie. My four sons include Michael age 14, Shane age 13, Kevin age 11, and Ryker age 2. I also was a foster mom for about 5 years. In 2009 we adopted two of the 33 kids we've fostered. In April 2012 we adopted three more! I've been happily married to the love of my life, Daniel, for 21 years!
For privacy reasons we cannot post identifying pictures of foster children. That's why their faces are covered or only the backs of their heads are shown. We also give them nicknames to protect their privacy.
The Mini Homeschoolers
Danya and Gloria are "The Mini Homeschoolers" in a series of YouTube videos where they answer questions about homeschooling from a younger perspective. These videos are based on the ones created by two funny homeschooled young men called "Ask the Homeschoolers".
Watch the videos here: The Mini Homeschoolers
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