We talked it over and we just can't pass up the opportunity. Although Daniel can't take the time off of work right now, this week is a perfect week for the rest of us to travel. The kids' Friday school (Options) doesn't start until the following week. Neither does AWANA, gymnastics, or Brianna and Shane's new speech, counseling, and OT/PT appointments. Now that we've adopted them, we don't have to get anyone's permission to take them out of the state either.
One more good reason is that the kids' godparents are moving to Virginia soon, and this may be our last chance to see their godmother and her two kids before they go. Finally, it's possible that Daniel's sister, Robin, who is in the hospital eight months pregnant with her eighth child, may have the baby any time now. And it's her birthday, too. And even though I said "finally" I'm going to also tack on the fact that my oldest friend and my sister both have birthdays in September, so I'd like to visit them while I'm there. The kids really want to see their cousins, although, since they don't homeschool, we may not be able to be up where they live at a time when they aren't in school. Anyway, wish me luck on the trip. I'll be praying that I can stay awake and focused for that long!
Sending prayers your way that you have a safe drive and a fun trip!!
We'll be praying for you as well, have a safe trip!
Ken and LeAnn
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