Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Occupational Tree Therapy

Every Tuesday, "Happy" has occupational therapy with Miss Christine.  She works on things like fine motor skills and sensory issues.  Last week, Christine tested "Happy" with finger paints.  Apparently, this is something that "Happy" used to have an extreme aversion to.  Now, although she doesn't smile while touching the paint, she does allow Christine to press her hand into it.

After "Happy" made a finger paint Christmas tree with sequins for decorations, Miss Christine allowed Katie to make one, too.  Katie gets so excited watching "Happy" during her therapy sessions.  It's hard for her not getting to participate most of the time.  During speech therapy we have to remind Katie not to tell "Happy" the answers to questions.  But during occupational therapy, Miss Christine often asks Katie to demonstrate how to do something.  Then "Happy" will follow her example.  I think Katie has been a very good influence on "Happy".  Miss Christine agrees.  She's only going to come every other week from now on, since "Happy" has improved so much.  She's amazed at "Happy's" progress.  We are, too.

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