Monday, November 07, 2005

Leafing Through the Zoo

We went to the Tulsa Zoo with our homeschooling friends, the Millers. Our girls and theirs were sooo excited! It was a perfect fall day, just warm enough to enjoy running through the deep piles of leaves without needing jackets. The girls covered each other in leaves and threw them into the air to watch them tumble back down.

We took family photos while we were there. Betsy took this one on the left. You can tell we didn't plan for pictures since our shirts don't match, but I still love this photo. We spent a majority of our time having lunch there, playing in the leaves, and letting the kids run around on the playground.

One particularly amazing moment was when we heard the loud coughing roar of the lion and realized that it was actually the lioness! We also saw the tigers rough housing. I got a short video clip of them both on their hind legs batting at each other with their front paws! We had such a great time! We'll definitely have to go again with the Millers. Maybe during the zoo's Christmas display in December.

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