There were a lot of people there, but we had to divide them between different candidates that we were all supporting. So we put on the t-shirts, slapped a few bumper stickers onto the wagon, taped a yard sign on, and followed the parade. We were just behind the McCain supporters who were just behind the huge Democrat party float.
They gave us a big bag of candy to put in our wagon. Danya and Gloria got to run back and forth to either side of the street passing out candy. We ran out by the time the parade was half over. It probably didn't help that Kevin was scarfing as many as he could. I had to watch him because he would try to eat wrapper and all. It was fun overall. We followed the leaders in chanting, "Lower gas prices! Drill here! Drill now! Vote for Bob Schaffer!"
Wow! How far was the parade?
Looks like Kevin enjoyed the candy.
We walked 1.5 miles, and poor Daniel had to jog all the way back to get our car when we got to the end. Did I mention it was very hot outside?
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