It was great visiting our old church and seeing lots of friends and acquaintances. It turns out that my friend Betsy is pregnant, too! She's four months along and hoping for their fourth girl. After church we had pizza at Betsy's house and let the kids play on the swings, trampoline, and Slip N' Slide. Betsy and I got to discuss pregnancy and homeschooling which was nice. She's also using the Sonlight curriculum with her girls.
On our way home we drove past our old house and stopped in to see our former neighbors. We surprised Missy when we showed up at her door. We couldn't stay long, but the girls enjoyed playing together. It's strange seeing everyone else's kids grow so much in what feels like a short time. I guess that's why I love that two of my closest friends have blogs, too, now. So I can see pictures more often and hear about their daily lives. Hopefully my blog lets the people who know us and love us feel like they are making this journey with us, watching our kids grow, and sharing the ups and downs.
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