In honor of our city's attempt to get this done in the next month or so, I've decided to do a 30 day challenge of my own. I'm going to try to post a POD (photo of the day) every day for 30 days, although I don't promise any lengthy updates to go with it. There are two ways to join in the fun with me.
1. If you have a blog or website of your own, you can also post a POD along with me, starting today for the next 30 days.
2. Or you could comment on my POD every day for the next 30 days.
If you choose option number 2 and comment every day (the comment section will note the date of your comment) then at the end of the 30 days you can email me and I'll send you either a scrapbooking or homeschooling related surprise reward. Just note in your email which you'd prefer. Just to be nice, I'll say that you can miss two days of commenting and we'll still count it. Sound good? What are you waiting for? The POD each day will be marked POD in the title so you'll know which one to comment on if I post more than once a day.
*Disclaimer: just in case, this offer is limited to no more than 10 winners to be selected in order of emails received. I don't find it likely that will be a problem, but you never know, right?
have fun with this! I did a photo-a-day challenge a few months ago when rhonna ferrar was doing the 21 day challenge. It was a lot harder than I thought!
I have to say I am going to try to comment. I read your blog and feel like I know u. Just so you know who I am I have been rading your posts (and found your blog) through fostercare forums. So I will try to comment each day.
Count me in! :)
I'll be checking & trying to remember to comment each day. Your blog is of interest to me since I homeschool and scrapbook A LOT!
This sounds fun, i just hope you don't try to post anything at 11:01 pm. ;)
Love the new puppy, very cute.
In my town those kind of signs go up and the work doesn't even start for another 2 years or so.
Great challenge idea! :)
What a cool idea! TFS!
Hi Jess,
What a great idea!! I am of course going to try my best to join you. I have been too busy lately to spend as much time on here as I like too, but I going to see if I can do a POD, I've told myself I was going to do one but have yet to take my own challenge.
Let's see how we do........
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