We haven't actually seen any pigs flying, but I know they must be because we bought a dog today. Daniel tried to hold out against the combined begging of his wife and children but it was no use. Once Kevin sat down next to this cute little guy and said, "I love you, Puppy" it was all over. He's a registered dapple colored short-haired miniature dachshund. We named him Digger.
Danya and Gloria have had a fear of dogs for a long time now. Gloria was bit on the toe a couple of years ago and has been almost in a panic around big dogs ever since. Our neighbor up the street, Richard, has two small dogs who have helped to win the girls over this past year. This dog may be the long overdue cure for their fears. Gloria was willing to walk him and play with him, but didn't pet him until he fell asleep. Danya has held him, fed him, and is working towards relaxing more with him. She seems determined to conquer her fears. Kevin just keeps saying, "He likes me!" and trying to look him in the eye.
Digger is the most relaxed, easy going dog ever. He loves to snuggle or just lay in our laps. When he plays he excitedly chases balls and zips across the yard at full speed. He's only about 6 inches tall and won't grow to be more than about 10 pounds at most. He's currently around 6 pounds and is 4 1/2 months old. He doesn't bite or bark, even at other dogs, although he will whine if he's really upset. When we tell him not to chew on something he immediately stops. He loves to play with toys but doesn't attack our hands or jump up at all. He's just an amazingly smart and gentle dog. We sure found a keeper.
I could not think of any more reason's not to take him. So we will see how everyone does with him and taking care of him. So far he has been a good dog and The girls have done good with cleaning up after him.
That Dog is so cute!
Digger is so darn cute! tell your girls to come see dandelion's blog if they would like! its dandelioncutestcorgi.blogspot.com
I love your blog!
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