At the moment we have no diapers or clothing for the little girl, Kevin is losing his mind possibly due to jealousy issues screaming and crying inconsolably, and the dog has outlined his territory by immediately getting into the brother's bag and pulling out his things to chew on. We're planning a whirlwind trip to Wal-mart to get them some essentials before Daniel has to leave for work.
Wish us luck! (Oh, and can you figure out this post title?)
Hi Jess,
Just stopping by. No need to pressure yourself about your POD you can always add them later!
I am sure everything will be fine. For the hair I'm not the one to know for sure but I remember when I took some cosmotology classes I used the same kind of shapmoo the fash the ladies of color hair and then they comb it. I do know there is a product to add for the dryness of the hair but I would guess whatever shampoo you have for your kids would be fine for now.
Such rushed short notices must be stressful but I think you will be fine. You do such a good job with things. Whenever things get stressful here I always repeat the saying to myself "this to shall soon pass" and I'm surprised as how much it works to remind myself.
LOL, yup, rushed short notices. They called us at church. We told the intake worker he'd have to drop them off at our church and bring loaner car seats since our extras were at home. When I told my friend, Ron, that the kids would be there before second service he said, "You mean the government is taking kids to church now?" :) At least they got to go to the after church homeschool picnic at the park with us!
Its been awhile since you had a placement. How long will they stay with you for?
The post title? All your kids ages right? I do admire you for doing foster care. My hubby & I did it once for several months way back in the late 80's but found it was too stressful for us to do further placements.
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