Today we renewed our family membership at the Tulsa zoo. The temperature stayed in the 80's and it was a perfect mix of hot and mildly windy. The girls were thrilled to finally go back to the zoo. We haven't been in months! Gloria rushed ahead of us to all the exhibits. She seemed to know where everything was. We got to talk to one of the zoo docents. He told us about the fighting going on between the two males, who are brothers. One had a nasty scratch on his nose from their last battle. They are trying to establish dominance. A girl chimp named Jodi,

has just been taken off of birth control. They are hoping that she'll get pregnant soon! We got to see another zoo worker feed the otters. He threw dead fish all over their enclosure so that they could "hunt" for it. We also got to see the giant brown bear. He was enormous! The girls played with the penguin in the above picture. He would follow their hands all around the glass! They also explored a "meadow maze" among wild flowers, sat on their favorite turtle statue (a zoo tradition of ours), teeter tottered as a family, and stood in awe of the giant fish in the "Tropical Rain Forrest". Another highlight moment of the day was when a nice young couple gave the girls their leftover tokens as they were leaving. So next time we go to the zoo we'll let them ride the carousel and the train. We all went home today over-heated and exhausted, but happy.
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