Daniel and I are going to the Dennis Jernigan concert tonight at our church. His music is special to me because while we were still teenagers, before I graduated high school, Daniel's family used to take me with them and other teens to hear Dennis Jernigan perform at the "Night of Praise" in OKC. His music affected me profoundly. I had never heard anyone sing songs that truly cried out to God like his did. His songs described God in a way that was brand new to me. I had heard God referred to as our "heavenly Father" before, but since I didn't have a close loving relationship with my natural father or my step-dad, it didn't mean much to me. I thought of fathers as being the disciplinarian and rejecting me when I made my mistakes. Dennis Jernigan's music completely changed my concept of God. To this day, his songs can bring me to tears. Not painful ones anymore though, but tears of joy that I have such an awesome loving God as my Father!
Here's a link to his website:
http://www.dennisjernigan.com/I'll post again this weekend, probably, to tell you how the concert goes!
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