The girls and I took a trip into town yesterday. You could call it a walk, but really I did all the walkin' and they did all the riding. Somehow I just couldn't convince them to pull ME in the wagon, lol. We stopped by two children's stores on the way to McAlister's restaurant for lunch. The first one was a joke. They were selling ugly children's clothing for outrageous prices. They had a dress with a flower on the front for $50!! The next store we stopped in was called Primarily Kids. It was awesome! They had educational toys, girly girl kinds of pink frilly toys, Thomas the Tank Engine, and dance clothes. The girls loved it! I saw several things that I will have to go buy as I get the money for it. They had several things for less than $20 that I thought were well worth the money.

So we played with their Thomas train set, looked through their science toys and books, and bought a hidden picture coloring book about the alphabet. Then we went on to the restaurant. On the way back we stopped at the grocery store to get a free cookie for each of the girls at the bakery department. By the time I got home, after pulling two 40+ pound kids in a wagon all that way in 92 degree heat I was ready to collapse. Does that count as my exercise for the week? Oh, hey, you might notice the girls are wearing their new shoes in the above picture too! We got these on sale at Payless in the mall. I love that store.
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