Emma came over today for a playdate with Danya. I had actually forgotten that I'd invited her last Sunday. I've had a nasty cold or maybe allergies, I'm not sure which, for the last few days. Her arrival was a good thing because it helped us all get going for the day. We played games, made crafts, and sang songs. Gloria kept trying to be the center of attention. She was bothering Danya and Emma so much and getting so out of control that I finally had to put her down for a nap. Danya and Emma play really well together. They played Barbies, dress up, and Boggle Jr. It was really sweet watching Danya "teach" Emma how to spell the words in the Boggle game. They kept going into Danya's room and shutting the door. Every so often I'd hear wild bursts of giggling. We had pizza for lunch, and Emma's mom picked her up just before dinner time. I'm so glad Danya has Emma for a friend. I'm worried that she'll miss her terribly next year when Emma goes to first grade. Right now, Emma is in half day Kindergarten. Next year it will be all day. I hope they can still find time to play together.
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