Today I researched info on Braxton Hicks contractions and pre-term labor because I was feeling nervous about having such strong uncomfortable contractions so early in my pregnancy. It turns out that the more kids you've had, the more likely it is that you'll have Braxton Hicks contractions earlier and stronger. Also, it can be brought on by dehydration, so I'm trying to drink more water. Although I have more energy than I did in my previous trimester, I still feel tired a lot and tend to compensate by drinking too much diet pop and tea. It's strange how one minute it feels like this pregnancy is dragging on interminably and the next it seems to be flying by. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl next week!
I can't wait to find out, either! How fun for your family. Sorry about the tiredness. Pregnancy alone is so tiring and you have a lot of other responsibilities to juggle, too.
i miss hearing whats going on. how are all the kids?do you still have the two? are you getting the other two? i know but are you going to tell the sex of this baby? any nwe palns for coming this way? anything . i know im not good at blogging , but im used to yours .
just checking ???
Oh Jess, I'm still so super excited for you guys!!!! Oh and to find out if it's a boy or girl and to pick the name, so much fun!
I remember that being tired part....thank goodness it will not last forever.
I've been lurking on your blog off an on for about a year now. How funny that we are at exactly the same stage in our pregnancies. Congrats! -Lara
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