We've been so busy the past week. I don't know how much of it is due to having 2 extra kids in the house, but it's been fun and exhausting. They've had trips to the park with Daniel, colored with chalk and had popsicles outside, played lots of board games, watched plenty of kids' videos, participated in kids' church activities, and helped me keep the house clean for all the caseworkers, attorneys, and friends we were expecting to see this week.

One of the most challenging parts for me has been figuring out how to homeschool four different grade levels. I'm doing pre-K with the boys, Kindergarten with Snow White, and a mixed 3rd/4th grade with Gloria and Danya. The first day we tried it was a bit crazy. I've discovered that I cannot have them all working on different subjects at the exact same time. However, I can handle the three older girls working on three different things while the boys are napping in the afternoon. In the mornings I divide and conquer. Danya and Gloria take turns leading the younger ones in an activity that I've set up while I work with the two of them individually. It takes longer, but we're getting everything accomplished.

Yesterday I worked on doing an evaluation to see where exactly Snow White is at academically. She can count to 13 and recognize numbers up to 9, knows some of her shapes, and can write a few letters in her name. She has a Kindergarten workbook that her previous foster mom gave her to just color in so that she could feel like she was doing homework like the older kids. I'm actually showing her how to do the activities. Sadly, I read through Brother's IEP and checked both him and Kevin on the different skills like naming three items in a category (for example Animals: cat, dog, pig) and only Kevin was able to do them. We've got a lot of work to do!
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you and hoping they are fitting right in with your 3. Sounds like they are. :)
Hope Kevin feels better soon.
Jess have you ever looked at Five in a Row....It is a unit study but a very gentle one. For the little guys it's all they nedd and for the older ones you only have to add L.A. and Math. A lot of the stories are wonderful and the discussions we have surprise me.I know how much you love to read and it may be worth looking at for the different ages you have. The best part is that most of it you can get from the library. I have picked up there guide books at local HS sells for around $5 and Ebay.
They have a forum with some really nice people: http://www.fiarhq.com/~gbprnhrz/forum/index.php
And alot of them blog. I have more links on my blog. I know it's not for everyone but it might save you some time and money. We use some of it and then supplement what we want to.
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