I made this using some Karen Foster scrapbooking cutouts, a pine tree thumb punch, and some paper. I got the idea online. You can use almost any theme to make these file folder games. I called mine "Camp Learn-a-Lot". When I finished it I took it to Office Depot. They laminated it for just $2. You can use this for any subject your kids are learning. We used phonics cards yesterday and coins as place markers. If Gloria could name the letter, or if Danya could tell me what sounds they made, then they would get to move forward one space. If they land on a tree space they get to go one extra space. You could change the rules to roll a dice to see how far you can move. Or change them any way that works for you. You can make your own question cards or just use store bought flashcards like I did. My girls really liked this and so did I so I'm going to make a few more versions. Some advice: The Office Depot clerk said that using more porous paper would make it laminate better. The scrapbook paper I used was too thick, non-porous, and bulky. So the lamination didn't work completely on the thickest side. Next time I won't put so many layers of paper on it.
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