This picture is showing up kind of pixilated on my blog, but is one of the few group shots we took while on our girl road trip. It's missing our friend Claire, though. I think the only group shot with her in it is a bathing suit pic, and my friends would disown me if I posted that! LoL! We had a fantastic time and were already discussing a mini version of this trip in the future by the time we were headed home. We went on a float trip down a river next to Ginni Springs, did some boogie boarding in the Atlantic ocean (amazing waves!), shopped til we dropped, and went to a dinner theatre to see a swing music review. I really stretched outside of my comfort zone for this trip! I let everyone else make the plans, had a few drinks and even ate Calamari...which is breaded, fried Octopus! It wasn't bad! I don't think I truly realized how peaceful, overall, this trip was without kids or husbands, until I came home and was bombarded with the sounds and clamor for attention that are just part of having small children. I think a yearly trip like this would be cheap therapy for moms everywhere!
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