Sunday, June 26, 2011

Yard Sale 2011

We had our first yard sale in our new home at the end of June. It went well. There was supposed to be a neighborhood wide yard sale, but we only saw one other one in our area. We let the oldest girls be in charge of the money. By the end of the second day we'd made over a hundred bucks. We possibly could have done better if we'd sold kids' clothes, but we had so many bags and boxes of it out in the garage, that I really didn't want to mess with it. So we loaded them all up and took them in two trips to the Goodwill. We even sold our old light fixtures. My garage seems much larger now. I also used the opportunity to clean the garage out.

We went through every single box, including ones that had never been opened from our last move, but had been transported to our new house. It was amazing how many bags of trash we took out. I even found two old pay checks that I had never cashed. One of them was from the 90's! Probably no good now, but it definitely showed me that not taking care of my paperwork is hurting me. It was a relief to be done with the garage almost 9 months after we moved in.

Sadly, I had set aside several books and things that I wanted to keep and put them on top of a plastic box near the big garage door. Then the kids left the garage door open after riding their bikes when the yard sale was over and we had a massive thunderstorm come through. Everything got soaked. Maybe it was God's way of telling me that I didn't need to save any of the junk we found out there if it wasn't worth taking immediately into the house.

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