Craigslist is one of the most amazing inventions of my time. Simple, yet incredibly useful. We've found everything from inexpensive Christmas gifts to large furniture items at ridiculously low prices. Recently, we found this new couch that has a fold out ottoman and a recliner built in for just $200.
Our friend, Jim, helped Daniel pick it up from the seller and move it into our house. They spent hours trying to disassemble it and our house in the hopes of getting it into the basement. No such luck. It was too wide to fit through the sliding glass doors, too long to go down the basement stairs. We finally gave up around 1 am the next morning and just replaced the living room couch, instead.
Our old couch and recliner had seen long lives. We bought the couch, our first big expensive piece of furniture, back in 2000 shortly before Danya was born. So it was 11 years old. The recliner we had found with a free sign on it by the side of the road one day a couple of years ago. It was stained and smelled of smoke, but we cleaned it up and it worked well for us. We listed it as a free item on Craigslist and left it in our driveway. A few days later the kids came from playing outside and told us a man was loading it into his truck. We had another guy stop by a few hours later to ask if it was still there. I hope it continues to be useful to another family for years to come. We sure love our new one. Finally, our whole family of 10 can snuggle up together on the couch to watch movies.
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