Today we had two sweet little faces join our family. The caseworker says it may be long term, so we'll be enrolling them in school this week. For their online nicknames we've decided to call them "Junie B." and "Boo". The older one loves
Junie B. Jones books and the younger one reminds us of
Boo from Monster's Inc. They remind us so much of two little girls we had at this same time of year three years ago.
The sisters are 6 1/2 and 10 years old, first and fourth graders. Our girls are super excited to have girls their age to play with. They are in the dining room right now giggling up a storm and playing a board game called "Faces". The oldest girl is a musician, so I know we'll get along great.
Very exciting! You guys are incredible. I am so impressed with your devotion to the Savior and His children here on earth. I think you are truly an angel!
It is nice to see you blogging again! I stop by every now and then to check in and was excited to see you and your family are still around!
Yup, these days I tend to wait a few months and then do a massive catch up of posts. With Facebook, I don't really use my blog to let people know how we're doing anymore. Rather, I use it to keep sort of an online scrapbook.
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