A few people have asked me what curriculum I use to teach the bible to my younger children. Since Shane and Kevin are still just beginning readers, we use the Rod & Staff bible stories and coloring book. The boys, and Brianna, each have their own copy of the coloring book and they color a picture based on the bible story while I read it aloud to them.

I like this set because it has a chronological series of bible events from Adam and Eve all the way through to Revelation. It introduces my youngest ones to important figures from the bible and tells their story in an easy to understand way. The story of Jonah even has an interactive puppet to cut out and use with the book. For a few of the stories that they didn't explain in enough depth I read to the kids from Brianna's New International Reader's Bible. This is the version we've given each of our older girls. It's still accurate, but written for young readers.
Danya and Gloria are good readers, so for them we use a more advanced bible study program. We like the Kay Arthur series of study guides. They are written for the kids to follow on their own, with fill in the blanks, and instructions for how to really study and understand God's Word. Currently they are working their way through
"How to Study Your Bible For kids", but this Fall we participated in a Mother/Daughter bible study at our church using the
"Wrong Way, Jonah!" study guides.
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