Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pre-K Fun

I got a new CD full of fun pre-K printables for the boys at the book fair last weekend. It's perfect for Kevin, but Shane keeps saying, "Dat easy ford me!" It's funny how the boys are such opposites when it comes to ability.

Shane, at 5 1/2 years old, picks up anything physical fairly quickly. He doesn't have much trouble cutting things out or threading the string through the holes on these letters. He even figures out simple puzzles relatively quickly. Kevin is still struggling with a lot of physical skills because he's only three, but he tries hard.

On the other side of the spectrum, Kevin instantly mastered the concept of rhyming words, beginning sounds of words, counting, and basic math. He's already sounding out three letter words and can count to twenty. Meanwhile, Shane has trouble counting to ten and remembering a word even when we've repeated it together over and over day after day. He has trouble putting even simple sentences together and simple concepts and instructions get lost or jumbled in his head somehow.

We're planning to have Shane repeat Kindergarten at the Options program for homeschoolers this Fall while teaching Kevin as a Kindergartner at home. I expect they'll both be able to start first grade together the following year, although Kevin will probably surpass Shane as he gets older and his physical skills catch up. Luckily, since we homeschool, we don't have to teach everything at a certain grade level, so both Shane and Kevin can advance or go slower in any subject area they need to.

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