Friday, May 08, 2009

Let's Go to the HOP!

For the end of AWANA celebration this year, the Sparks got to go to a place called HOP which is full of giant inflatables and other toys. They were allowed to bring any siblings under the age of 9, so Daniel took the kids while Miss Lady, Katie, and I stayed home. Miss Lady and I finished up our three consecutive Wednesday movie nights. She'd never seen the original Star Wars movies, so I was filling in that gap in her education. She thought they were great.

The younger kids had a blast at HOP. There were inflatables for all different ability levels. There were even plastic ride on toys for Kevin and Shane to enjoy. Danya's AWANA group had a trip to a similar place called Jump Street the following week, but we didn't take her to that one because it cost almost three times as much and she couldn't bring siblings. She said that was fair since she got to enjoy HOP even though she's not in Sparks. I'm going to miss having Daniel take the kids out on Wednesday nights for AWANAs. That was becoming my scrapbooking and time with Miss Lady night.

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