I'm going to try to get all the photos downloaded and updated tomorrow. We've got quite a few. We celebrated Danya's birthday early this week so that her best friend could come... and then she canceled the day of the party. I've been working like crazy to get things ready for our upcoming homeschooling year to begin. I plan to start on June 15th. I usually like to begin in May, but this year my leg and Katie's birth has pushed things back. I'm also having a hard time getting everything planned out for such a large number of kids. How do homeschooling mom's with more kids than I have do this?
In other news, my leg is pretty much in constant pain. I'm trying to walk on it as much as possible to stretch the tendons so that I'll be able to handle all the walking we'll be doing next week when we go to Disneyland. Every time I walk, however, my ankle and foot swell up to frightening proportions. When I wear my sandals the circulation gets cut off and I can see this weird dented line in my foot where the swelling stops and I have a normal foot from there down to the toes. Despite all my effort, I still can't get my foot to bend properly, so I'm starting physical therapy this coming Friday.
I'm looking forward to the end of school this week. Brother had his last day last week. He had a school carnival on the last day. They sent a note home saying that they expected us to attend and that we couldn't bring any of our other kids. So we got Sarah to babysit and took him right after his counseling session was over. When we got there they said they'd scheduled the carnival during the A.M. so all of the P.M. kids were supposed to have come in the morning. We'd missed the whole thing by about an hour. Brother was devastated and cried all the way home.
Sometimes it feels like we are completely overwhelmed with the number of appointments the kids have every week. It will be nice when we don't have to worry about school on top of that. Currently they have counseling sessions, speech therapy, and two of them have family visits. Starting the week that we get back from vacation six of them will also be attending gymnastics classes for the summer. That's everyone except Miss Lady and Katie. Add to that the fact that I'm attending band practice on Wednesday nights now and will have physical therapy on Fridays. Then there are the endless stream of dental, pediatric, allergist, and eye doctors that they have to see. Tack on the visits from caseworkers that occur in our home, plus court dates and foster care reviews, and mandatory foster parent training hours. I'm tired just typing it. Speaking of which, it's almost 10pm and Katie may actually sleep for a few more minutes, so I'm going to bed. Hopefully everyone can understand why I'm having trouble finding time to update my blog.