Sunday, April 05, 2009

Pierced Ears

Danya: Before, During, and After
Danya and Gloria decided to finally take the big step of getting their ears pierced while we were at the mall in Colorado Springs. Danya had been nervously considering the idea for over a year. She was going to go first, but her fear got the best of her. So, Gloria gamely climbed up onto the tall chair and showed Danya how to take the pain like a champ.

Gloria: Before, During, and After

There was only one employee working at Claire's so she had to endure having one ear at a time done. Danya went next, but almost ended up going home with one ear pierced after getting overwhelmed with the shock and pain of the first ear. We managed to convince her to tough it out and get the other ear done finally. They both are really enjoying their earrings now, and are keeping them clean. We also let them pick out a pretty pair that they'll get to switch to when the eight weeks are up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I just stumbled upon your blog. We are a homeschooling family as well and my two daughters (ages 7 & 9) just got their ears pierced this year, too. It made me smile to read about your girls. :-) My younger daughter was the braver one as well. She had hers done in Feb. and her big sis just got hers done in April. She had actually talked herself completely out of it & I had to talk her back into it and give her pain meds in advance. LOL! We were blessed to have two workers both times, or I'm quite sure my older girl would only have one pierced ear. ;-)

    Tonya Hudson
    Oklahoma Beginning Homeschooling Examiner

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