They've been such a help to us already. They watched the kids while Daniel picked me up from my ultrasound appointment. Baby Katie is just fine, by the way. My podiatrist is on the first floor and the midwives are in the basement, so I got quite a work out on my crutches getting from one appointment to the next and then back up to the first floor where Daniel was waiting with the van. Gloria was my assistant, carrying my paperwork and purse, etc.
Daniel's mom, Grandma Nancy, has been helping with cooking, cleaning, laundry, homeschool, bedtime, and even costume making. Daniel and I were also able to leave them in charge of kids and bus stops while we went to the DMV to get my 90 day temporary handicap passes to hang in our vehicle windows. Today Wayne is going to drive me to Brother's WIC appointment. They will not accept Daniel at the appointments, only me. I'm wondering how a place called "Women Infants and Children" can claim to be helping women or infants by making an 8 months pregnant woman with a broken leg come in for the appointment? Meanwhile, Daniel will be taking Miss Lady and Thumbelina to their visit with their parents.
Speaking of helpful people, apparently news of my injury has spread quickly. The church has called and said they want to provide meals through a ministry that they have for just these sorts of situations. I told them that if they could bring dinner on the nights that Daniel works it would be a real help. Our homeschool group leader called to ask how they can help, too. So we may have adults available to babysit while Daniel takes me to the kids' court dates in February. I also set things up with the school bus transportation dept. so that Brother is now being picked up and dropped off in front of our house until the end of February and the girls are allowed to walk Snow White to and from her bus stop from now on instead of requiring an adult.
Glad they are there to bless you. I missed them and wondered what happened...
Grandma to the rescue, how awesome! And I am so glad your church family and hs group are coming through, too. That is great news.
Hang in there Jess.
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