Sunday, July 20, 2008

Digger Settles In

Digger is doing really well. He has declared his bedroom to be in the living room next to the couch. We're trying to limit him to that room and the kitchen only for now until he's house broken. His only fault so far is being a bit destructive. He chews on everything. I suppose it's because he's teething like any four month old would. We just take away what he's got and give him one of his toys.

Gloria has started treating him like her own personal living doll. She carries him around the house and likes to help dress him in his shirt. We bought the shirt for him because he was shaking like a leaf during his morning walk. I think it's funny the way his dog tag rattles and makes a sound like a bell when he runs. We always know where he's at. Last night I asked Daniel to "take the bell off the cat" so I could get some sleep. He hates being left alone and is never more happy than when he's draped across someone's lap. He seems to be settling in to our family routine.

1 comment:

  1. Digger is a cutie! My DH and I are in the process of getting a weiner dog and are so excited! Enjoy your new puppy!
