Math: Horizons Math
Spelling: Sequential Spelling
Handwriting: Cursive Success
History/Geo./Soc.: The Story of the U.S.A.
Art: Draw Squad
and their science experiments DVD and kit. Then of course, there are all the reading books. I wasn't impressed with their science curriculum which seems to be a journal/book that has little do with science and a few mini books with experiments to do once a week. So we are supplementing with some A Beka books we found at a used homeschool book fair. We're using:
Science: Investigating God's World
The second question asked in the email was what a typical day looks like for us. That's almost impossible to answer. Our days are usually all pretty different. Originally our goal was to do our school time in the mornings, but we've discovered over time that it seems to work best during the younger kids' nap time. No two days ever seem to be the same. Tonight we finished our homeschool work after we put the little ones to bed at 7pm just as Daniel was leaving for work. The other day we did our work at the laundry mat. We have Spanish and Grammar CDs that we play in the van so that the kids are even learning as we run errands. Their current favorite song has them endlessly singing "I'm a verb verb verb. I'm an action word." We've also started doing a lot of the read aloud time just before bedtime.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog with us! You have a beautiful family.
Hey there! I miss you! Are you really on vacation for this long? Awesome! :)
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