This Wednesday was Crazy Hat Night at AWANAs. Most of our family borrowed a hat from our friend Deanna who has a collection of crazy hats. I was the lucky one who got to use our family's one crazy hat. It's a fish hat that one of the girls one a couple of years ago at a carnival. Those knock off toys at carnivals always crack me up. Things like a yellow Winnie the Pooh, or in our case, a red Nemo hat. Walking around with a fish on my head was odd. I got quite a few strange looks from people I know at church.
I've also included here a picture of one of the girls on our team who won the prize for craziest hat. She made a "fruits of the Spirit" hat that was pretty creative. We also had the boy with the best hat on our team. He had a clown hat with a colorful wig attached.
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