Rosie supposes her toes-es are roses,
but Rosie supposes erroneously!
We've been doing a bit of erroneous supposing ourselves lately it turns out. Today I went to Latte's six month review. It turns out that the four months she spent being moved from one relative placement to the next don't count, so officially she's only been in the system since mid July. It sounds like potential adoption is only a backup plan now that will be considered hopefully by July. Meanwhile we are supposed to plan as if she could get sent home anytime between March and July depending on what her mom does.
It's frustrating not knowing and in a way being held in suspended animation. We can't be considered for any other potential adoptive placements until her case is decided which could be six months or more from now. I learned a lot of things today that are the direct opposite of what we were told at the time of accepting Latte into our home. I can only say that I have no idea what's going to happen to her.
Oh, no. I can tell by your posts how very much you all have come to love her, and to have her status so "up in the air" just...stinks.
Praying here that she will become a part of your forever family if it is God's will.
Hi there, I'm really enjoying your blog and wondered if you would mind if I linked you on mine. I'm at www.homeskooldaize.blogspot.com and invite you over for a visit anytime!
A sister in Christ,
I love going to court because that is where the real truth comes out. I cannot stand being misled about kids plans but court always is a eye opener. Praying for you through your journey.
What a challenge! That up-in-the-air thing is horrible. I know that God will provide and it will all work out. Sometimes he just works in mysterious ways that we don't quite understand.
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