Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Volunteering at Church

On Wednesday night our kids go to the AWANA program at our church, Life Fellowship. It's a really great program that encourages our kids to memorize an enormous amount of bible verses. It's sort of like a Christian boy scouts/girl scouts program. The program is so popular at our church that they've been asking anyone who can to please come volunteer to be an AWANA leader.

Daniel called his boss yesterday to talk to him about changing his schedule slightly. Now that I'll be playing in the praise band Sunday mornings, he needs to get off work early so that we can get to church before 8 am. Also, the AWANA program lasts until 8:20pm on Wednesday nights, so he needs to be able to come in late those nights. His boss said that he had been about to call Daniel and ask if he would change his schedule to start earlier. And on Wednesdays they have more people working than any other night, so it's okay to come in an hour later that night. Praise God! So it all worked out perfectly.

Since we can now stay for the entire AWANA program on Wednesdays, we decided to volunteer to be group leaders. They've had to turn some kids away and put them on a waiting list because there just aren't enough leaders. Hopefully, this will mean more kids can participate. We helped out tonight, got some basic training, and were given the leader's guide to study. We'll have to pass a test to earn our leader uniform. We've also been asked to lead a group in Truth Quest one Sunday a month. We haven't decided for sure about that yet, but we're considering it. We used to be Sunday school teachers at our old church, and we'd get to lead our daughters' group, so it might be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Is God just not the most amazing thing? He opened the path for you to serve Him. We also help out in our AWANAs program, and have trouble finding enough people to help. Wednesdays are tough because there is orchestra and chior practice that night as well, so most of the active members are busy.

    It is such a great program though. We feel so blessed to be a part of it. Enjoy your new works, enjoy the kids, delight in all God's glory being shown through your efforts.
