Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hanging Out with Grandpa Richie

Here's a few photos of the kids with Grandpa Richie. We played Bible Trivia today. This was a board game that I played with him and my brother and half brothers and step sisters when I was 7 years old. I found it at a yard sale a few years ago and couldn't resist. My dad was always so good at this game. He used to play it with pastors and win! He used to have a prize for the winner when we were kids. We'd play once a week and whoever won would get a brand new bible. I remember that right before I flew back home to Oklahoma (we'd been living with him for a year in New Jersey) I finally won the game! I still have the bible my brother won.

Today my girls were awesome at this game! Danya knows all the books of the old and new testament in order, so that helped. She also just has a fantastic memory of verses and stories. The first game Daniel, Gloria, and I won. The second game Danya, Dad, and his wife Willie won. The girls are loving listening to his imaginative stories and ideas. He read an Amelia Bedelia book to the girls today where she said, "If your last name is saurus, you're probably a dinosaur!" So he had the girls draw a picture of a "Danyasaurus" and a "Gloriasaurus". They had so much fun!

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