The Duggars had their 17th child this week and are fine with the idea of God giving them more someday. They also homeschool them all! Now, doesn't that put things in perspective? Our family will seem small in comparison to theirs. I read about a woman online a while back who has adopted almost 30 children and around 20 of them were still under 18 and living with her. She was a single mom. Our job will not be nearly that difficult.
We are looking forward to all the fun aspects and not afraid of the hard work involved with having a semi-large family. Actually, in comparison to the Duggars, I'd say our family will only be medium sized. James 1:27 says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." and Psalm 127:3 says "Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him." So we know that we are doing what we should be doing and that it will be rewarding for all of us whether other people would do the same or not. God is good! We can't wait for our family to grow!
You know I think it's a grate thing to adopt.
i think it would be great to have lots of children. THey are such a blessing from God!
I watched the Duggars Family on TV and they were amazing. I could not believe how organized they were and well respected the children were.
I wish you much happiness with the adoption. I'm sure you guys will be a great family and that you will all be so blessed when you find each other.
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