Our new memorization project is learning all the states and their capitols and where they are at on a map of the U.S. When I was preparing materials for this week I came across a reproducible picture of a foot. You could just trace your child's foot. On the left feet I wrote the states and on the right I wrote the capitols.
The instructions say to match the states and capitols and then put them in alphabetical order by state. We will add five new states each week until they've memorized all 50. Each week I'll add new feet to the game so that they'll learn the new ones while reinforcing the old ones.
O my gosh, I sometimes think you are a creative guiness. This seems like it would be so much fun. I have got to try this.
Did you laminate the feet so they can hold up to the test of time? I'm sure my kids would want to "carpet surf" on these.
that is a great idea! i may have to copy that.
No, I didn't laminate them. To do that I'd have to go to the school supply store and pay so much per foot of laminate (and I mean linear foot, not paper foot, lol).
you can get a lamanter at walmart for about $24 they are great i cant wait to get one, i borrowed my neighbors .
Yes, I could buy a laminator, but then I'd have to add refills into my budget and it just doesn't qualify as a homeschooling priority, you know?
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