Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A New Look!

Did anyone notice the new title of my blog? Same name, but much more interesting picture. When we noticed the new feature on blogger that allows you to edit the header, the girls and I each added a photo. So check out their blogs, too!

I did more of a "custom" header on mine, but playing with the font tool in Microsoft Paint. I love this photo of the girls! I laugh every time I see it. Feel free to give your opinion in the comments section!


  1. I like your blog because you add so many pictures. The girls are darling.

  2. Daniel was just asking me why I don't just post sometimes when I don't have a good picture to go with it. I told him it's because a picture is like a cover on a book, it draws the reader in. Also, I know that I like reading blogs with lots of pictures, so I like my blog better with lots of pictures.

    Oh, and I try not to have too many super long posts, because even I lose interest in reading what I wrote after a few paragraphs, lol. Feel free to let me know if I'm getting too long winded on this blog!
