Monday, July 17, 2006

Missing: One Tomboy

Where did my tomboy go? Who is this girl that only wants to wear skirts and fancy shoes? When did she go from playing cars with us to always wanting to play "mom" and "dolls"?

Look at her! She's playing house and pretending to feed her creations (collected from the sandbox and cooked on the pretend stove) to little Hope. She's wearing her sparkly new flip flops, her very first pair of flip flops ever, and asked me to put her hair in a pony tail.

Our friends, the Haleys and Glenda's family, came up to visit us and see baby Kevin. Glenda and Eric had a meeting they had to go to briefly while they were in town, so the kids and Christina stayed with us. During that time Cantrell yanked Gloria off the teeter totter (so that his sister could ride), and Gloria didn't even fight back! She just cried and wanted to be held! What happened to my tough girl who used to be the one always in trouble for injuring someone?

I guess she's growing up. I suppose she's becoming a little lady. But wait, she still likes to collect rocks, hang upside down (in a skirt), and climb trees (in high heels and panty hose). Maybe my tough girl, my tomboy, is still there...under the lip gloss and nail polish.

1 comment:

  1. Thats my girl!!! Still climbing tress, but doing it like a true Diva.. wearing heels!!! I'm so proud of her. She reminds me so much of myself.
