On Friday the girls spent the day with Aunt Toni while Daniel and I went to the first day of the homeschool convention in OKC. She surprised them with a brand new Cinderella car! It's battery powered and has an AM radio. They were shocked when they finally understood that they get to actually KEEP this awesome gift!
They also had fun playing on Aunt Toni's trampoline and visiting their cousin Reagan. We got to see Toni and Clayton's house for the first time, too. They've done an incredible amount of work to it!
Later that night when we got back to Daniel's parents' house, where we were spending the night, the girls drove around and showed off their new car to their grandparents. Toni had pointed out that now Danya and Gloria can always say that Aunt Toni bought them their first car. This was perfect timing, really, since Gloria has been asking Daniel to teach her to drive. Now she doesn't have to keep hearing, "Not until you're older."
Thats right, Aunt Toni has to give them the over the top gifts! It's a corrvette! I had to make them the coolest kids on the block, plus It's my job to buy the toys send them home and let you deal with it. The great part about being an aunt!