We decided that the house we'd most like to live in...is our own. As we looked at houses in the surrounding neighborhoods and compared their positives and negatives, and as we continued to de-clutter our home, we realized that our house is still ideal for us. So we are going to take the money we have available and the money we'll be saving by not having a larger house payment and utilities bills, and use it to invest in our current home.
We are replacing the tile and carpets, and then we'll start on a long list of other improvements. In the meantime, we are going to have a couple of massive yard sales and get rid of all the clutter we've removed from our home. With so much junk and excess furniture gone, our house is looking a lot bigger, so we should have plenty of room for Kevin when he arrives. We're also downsizing our homeschooling and scrapbooking materials. We're getting rid of everything we can't use or are unlikely to use anytime in the near future. Then we're going to store the remainder in two cabinets that we already own and not allow those materials to outgrow their cabinets.
Finally, I thought I'd add this pretty picture of our house that Daniel took this week when we had snow for about 12 hours.
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