We managed to find Danya a beautiful new dress that has black velvet at the top and the skirt part of it is a shiny dark green satin. The downside was that we grabbed two dresses when we were briefly considering getting Gloria one, too, and then we forgot to put one back before checking out. So we accidentally bought two dresses in the end. The checkout lady was very rude and told us to go fix it in customer service which had a line stretching out and down the aisle along the front of the store. Daniel had been awake for almost an entire day and was nodding off, so we just left. That'll teach me to pay more attention, I suppose.
Anyways, the girls told Santa that for Christmas they wanted: Danya- Doodlebear (gonna be a happy girl that day!) Gloria- trampoline (gonna be disappointed). I don't know where she came up with the trampoline idea. She'd never mentioned it before. We told her it wouldn't fit down the chimney. I was just glad that Danya didn't tell Santa she wanted a Barbie Jeep. She told me the other night that was ALL she wanted for Christmas (totally out of the blue!) and unfortunately, Santa won't be dropping off any Jeeps at our house this year. Here's a link to see what a Doodle Bear looks like: Doodle Bear
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