Saturday, October 15, 2005

Riley and Toni

This is my little sister, Toni, holding our new baby niece, Riley. My little brother, Rick, and his wife brought this beautiful baby girl into the world a few weeks ago. She is their second daughter. She is so beautiful! I can't wait to get to hold her next month when we're in OKC for Gloria's family birthday party. I think it's neat that now my brother and I both have two daughters. He is a great dad! My girls love playing with their Uncle Ricky. He's a natural kid magnet. Probably because he's still just a big kid himself.

Thanks, Toni, for sending me photos of Riley!


  1. Awww - so cute!! Congrats on the new niece!

  2. what a great picture! congratulations on recieving such a beautiful new niece :)
