The girls have a rack full of games next to the couch that they can pull out and play anytime they want to. Almost all board games have some educational value, in my opinion. Even if it's just practice in counting as they move their game pieces around the board. In this picture the girls are playing Hi Ho Cherry-O! Here's a list of some of the games they play as part of our homeschooling:
1. Boggle Jr. (spelling game)
2. Bingo (math)
3. Hi Ho Cherry-O! (counting)
4. Rack-O (numerical order game)
5. Candy Land (color recognition and counting)
6. Chutes and Ladders (counting and good habits)
7. Memory
8. Pretty Pretty Princess (colors and counting)
9. Waterworks (critical thinking, problem solving)
10. UNO (colors and numbers)
11. Dominos (math)
Those are just a few. The girls also enjoy playing games with a deck of cards. Daniel and I have a card collection and the girls have a few decks of their own. We've taught them how to play "WAR" which is a very good game for learning number value. We are definitely a game playing family!
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