Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Our brother, the Missionary

Ben and Diana are going to be missionaries to the interior of Mexico. They'll be in Zacatecas within the next year. Above is a map of Mexico with a red box marking the state of Zacatecas. They plan to start a Christian church there, teach English, and create a destination for churches who feel led to missions work in Mexico. They'll bring in groups for evangelism, medical clinics, construction projects, pastoral conferences, and marriage conferences. Ben and Diana's ministry needs are:
1. Monthly support
2. Digital camera to document work
3. Computer and printer
4. Bunk beds for visiting mission groups
5. Sound system and instruments
6. Van to transport groups through Mexico
7. Prayer

    Here's a link to learn more about Zacatecas.

      Here's a picture of Zacatecas on the right. Ben is currently serving in Acuna, Mexico just over the border from Del Rio, TX where he and his family live. Ben has been traveling as a preacher and translator to churches around the U.S. and his wife Diana is from Mexico. They are in their mid 20's and both feel called to help the people and especially children of Mexico.


      1. The second picture is beautiful! I wish I still had my point and shoot digital, I could have sent it to them. I'll add them to our prayer list! Awesome work they'll be doing!

      2. I am a Christian and I work and live in Zacatecas. If they need some help getting settled let me know.
