Wednesday, June 29, 2005


We found out we were PREGNANT on Wednesday July 29th, so I'm inserting this post here. Daniel and I have been trying for about a year now. We got pregnant and almost immediately miscarried two months ago, so we asked for help from our obstetrician who is also a friend of ours from our church. On June 15th she did an interior ultrasound to see if and when I was ovulating so that we could plan accordingly instead of the hit and miss fashion we'd been trying. She not only saw that I was about to release one egg...but two!! One from each ovary was about to be ready to go in two days time. Since we knew exactly when, she said that our odds of conceiving were excellent and we have a pretty good chance of having fraternal twins! Well, sure enough, it worked.

We've taken two pregnancy tests a couple of days apart just to be sure. I've also been taking it easy and trying not to overdo things, because even though the doctor said I didn't cause the miscarriage, I still feel like it was a mistake doing such an incredible amount of physical activity the week that I found out I was pregnant last time. So this time Daniel telling me to avoid picking up the kids. Do you know how impossible that is when you have a 3 and 5 year old? The kids seem worried, too. They understand that we had a baby in my tummy a couple of months ago, and then it went away. Gloria has been asking me every morning now if I still have a baby in there. We are praying for their health and protection constantly. I'm hoping that at my first appointment at the end of this month (July), the doctor will be able to either see how many I have with an ultrasound or hear how many heart beats there are. I really want twins, always have, but I will still be thanking God like crazy no matter what! Now I'm even MORE glad that we decided to get an early start on homeschooling. If I have twins next March I sure would like to be done with the required number of school days by then.

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