Through reading so many different books on homeschooling, I was able to get a good idea of what was out there, curriculum-wise. I decided that most curriculum's that you could buy were just way too expensive and too much of a risk. The risk factor is that you could buy it, find out within a few weeks that it totally doesn't fit your family lifestyle or your kids' learning styles, and then only have the option of hopefully reselling it for part of your money back. To me that is like buying a vehicle sight-unseen.
So we decided to shop around and pick and choose whatever looked good. So I went to my State Department of Education web site and found out what exactly they expect a child to learn in Kindergarten. Then I went shopping! I found some good workbooks appropriate for each of my girls' ages at my local grocery store! The workbooks are the "Ultimate Skill Builder" books from Learning Horizons and they are very easy to use. Then I hunted garage sales. We found beginning reader books, a world book encyclopedia, and an entire "Growing Up with Science" encyclopedia set for about $3 each! We also got some amazing kids' books on all kinds of other topics and some neat National Geographic videos. Then we looked online and found out about a used book fair for homeschoolers in our area. We attended that and found some second hand history and geography books published by "A Beka" which is a Christian curriculum publisher. We also found a store for teachers in the city near us. They were happy to see homeschoolers! They gave us free stuff and discount coupons! We purchased a book about the human body for young kids. I'd say all told we probably spent $100 to $150 on all of this school stuff. But you have to consider that some of those items will be for more than just this year.
That's it except for some paper and pens!
glad that worked for you. sound like the right way to do it.