It's interesting being at the point in our home schooling when we are now repeating lessons. It's new for our younger children, and a reminder for our older children of topics we've covered over the past few years. We began homeschooling in June of 2005, which means we've just officially hit the 6 year mark. I still remember walking outside with Danya to find plants we could rip up by their roots (weeds really) so that we could study them and draw pictures of them.
This time around we went all out and planted quite a few fruit and vegetable seeds. The kids had so much fun with the whole process. They excitedly informed me of each new seedling that poked its head out of the soil in the following weeks. I wish, for their sakes, that I had more of an interest in gardening. But the experience will be memorable at least.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Oklahoma Blitz
We drove down to Oklahoma in a whirlwind tour to see our family. I was so happy when my entire family showed up at the mall in OKC to see us. My son Shane got to meet my brother Shane for the very first time. My Shane was so excited he was practically vibrating. It was a good trip, though much too short.
Friday, March 25, 2011
WoW Friends
We got the opportunity to watch our friend Ruth's boys for a day, so the kids and I all went to the WoW Museum again. Afterwards we went to McDonald's for lunch. It felt like a long day but it was so much fun getting to feel like we had 10 kids for a day. When it was time to leave I made sure we had the two extra boys... and then the kids all started yelling that I was missing one. Oops! I almost left "Boo" at the Wow Museum. It's a good thing I have so many kids to be my memory since my has been shot for years.