There are some things that I've managed to check off my life "to do" list so far. I've tried out college, run my own business, worked at the same company with my husband, adopted two children and become a foster mom, led someone to Christ, taught classes, met Captain Kirk, performed in a play, seen the White House, and played in a band post high school.
Future Goals:
There are also still some things that remain on my life "to do" list that I hope to accomplish some day in the not-too-distant future. I'd like to take a trip to Europe, visit Ireland, walk in an actual castle, sing a duet with my husband during offering at church, work with teenagers in some way, work at a library or bookstore, complete a teaching degree, run a group home for kids, adopt a teenager, completely pay off my house and be totally debt free, teach English as a second language, and write a book.
Not Likely, but Fun Dreams:
On my "ain't gonna happen, but wouldn't it be cool" list there are a few things. I'd like to be on t.v. even if it's just a 2 minute interview on the news for something. I'd love to do talk radio. I've always thought that I read aloud well and would like to be the person who records books on tape. It would also be cool to be a proof reader for sci-fi/fantasy books. I'd like to take a 50 state tour of the U.S. for a year with my husband and kids while "road schooling" in an R.V. rather than home schooling. I'd like a chance to really use the sign language and Spanish I've learned in a useful way somehow, perhaps by parenting a deaf child or teaching English classes on an extended mission trip to Mexico.