Danya and I were both happily surprised to get parts in our church's Christmas play, "The Ornament". It was so much fun! Danya played the younger daughter, "Charlie", and I played her mom, "Cynthia". A real stretch, I know.
This is a picture that Gloria took during one of the first rehearsals for the play. Danya and the girl next to her both have the same part, but on different nights. So they were practicing together as the director, Deb, blocked out where we were supposed to be standing in different parts of each scene.
This was the first year our church has done a play in about a decade. For the past two years those of us in the band were expected to play background music. This year they canceled the band music and did the play instead. So a bunch of us from the band decided to try out for the play. Both trombonists, a guitarist, the flute player, a piano player and a back up singer all ended up either in the play or helping in some capacity. Some of the others joined the choir.