Monday, February 27, 2006

Family Portrait Day!

The pictures came out beautifully and will be back in about two weeks. If you click on the title of this post within the next few months you can see the pictures. (Hopefully, that is. Let us know if it doesn't work by commenting or emailing Daniel at dwelliott1126@yahoo.com )
This picture of Gloria is a really great shot that Daniel took after we finished getting our portraits made. Aren't her eyes amazing?
Circus Birthday!

Unfortunately, we arrived a little late and it was a sold out show so we weren't able to get seats together. The girls hadn't been to a circus in a few years, so they were both very excited. I thought it was fun that when I was pregnant with Gloria we went to the circus, and now that I'm pregnant with little "Kevin" we went again.

Saturday, February 25, 2006
Baby Shower for Cami

I went to a baby shower for my friend, Cami, today. She is the one in stripes in the middle. There are three pregnant women and three with brand new babies in this picture. They say there is something in the water at our church...
We had a great time talking and drinking orange punch. It's pretty funny to me that all these women get together and spend our time talking about our husbands. Apparently to avoid the sudden rash of pregnancies several couples are discussing the big "V". We also had races to diaper baby dolls, and talked about the usual things like breast pumps and which hospital is best to deliver in. I'm hoping that by the time my baby is due, Cami, who is a nurse at a local hospital, will be back at work so she can be there for the delivery. Her newest daughter makes her a mother of three girls now.
Weather Experiment

The girls are looking forward to trying some of the other experiments in the kit, but part of it requires rain and unfortunately that may mean we'll be waiting quite some time. Despite the snow last weekend we are still under a burn ban here in Oklahoma. In the meantime we'll try out some of the temperature experiments.
Daniel bought this kit back in October and I finally decided not to wait on him to try it anymore. Once I started pulling out the pieces though, he got interested and jumped in to help the girls assemble the first project. The girls and I got a kick out of trying to say "anemometer" five times fast. Danya stumbled and said something like, "I'm a mom eater" and we all broke into giggles!
Strep Throat Blues
The next morning I woke up with strep throat. I wasn't positive that's what it was, but my throat was swollen up and painful. On Monday I went to the doctor and confirmed it. The antibiotics fixed the problem, but yesterday my hands started to break out in an itchy rash. I tried lotion on them, but it just made them feel like they were burning. So the doctor prescribed me a different form of antibiotics today. We'll see how that goes. I just hope that none of this has affected little "Kevin". On the upside, none of the kids we babysat or anyone else in our house got sick, just me.
American as Apple Pie!

The girls also had a good time playing together and enjoying the nice day outside on the swingset. Now it's our turn to think up something fun for next week! Hmm....
Monday, February 20, 2006
Zoo Baby?

Now, we have been praying for the last 5 months that our baby would grow big and strong...but SHEESH! Since Gloria was a 10 pounder, I'm willing to believe that "little Kevin" might not be so little. And, admittedly, I did feel a little better about the scale saying I had put on a couple of pounds. Of course, when I went to see my regular doctor today to find out for sure that I had strep throat, the scale said I'd lost 4 pounds in less than a week. I guess it's because I've felt so sick and my throat has been swollen and sore, so I've hardly been able to eat. I wonder if other pregnant women actually worry about gaining a tiny amount of weight during pregnancy or if I'm the only paranoid momma out there? One good thing is that no matter how I feel about turning into a beachball, Gloria always tells me, "You look bootiful, Mommy"
Brrr! Freezin' at the Zoo!

We also read a poem about 100 animals at the zoo (10 of each kind), and then went on a scavenger hunt to find them. We found all but two, because we were freezing and wanted to go home. Did the weather affect us? Well, the next day Gloria woke up with a fever and the day after that I woke up with strep throat. But other than the weather, it was a really good day.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Bowling and Boxes (homeschool party)

They also each made a box for the Valentine's box decorating contest. While the box judging was finishing up, the kids had cupcakes and icecream. Gloria won second prize for her box that looked like a dog house. She put her puppy, Max, in it and wrote his name along the top. Danya's box had windows in it that you could look through to see a little homeschool scene made with dollhouse furniture and a little girl doll. But since the boxes were put on the floor instead of on a table, it was hard to see into her box. They both did a great job and had alot of fun making their boxes! They also loved opening their boxes to pull out all the candy and valentine's cards from the other homeschool kids!
Happy Heart Day!

Then they had breakfast. Their white paper plates had little red hearts drawn all around the outter edge. Their bananas had been sliced into small discs and placed in the shape of a heart and a smiley face with a chocolate chip on each slice! And Daniel's Valentine's Day gift? He got to sleep in while I made the breakfast and took pictures of the girls finding their candy.
Valentine's Dinner

The dinner was good, chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce with cheesecake for dessert, yum! But the best part of the night was the entertainment. Some of the people in our church have amazing voices and they sang classic love songs, interspersed with jokes and skits. Three older ladies had us rolling in the aisles at their costumed performance of "Baby Love"! Then the guest speaker for the night, Pastor Spoo, from Tulsa Baptist church gave us some hilarious advice on love and marriage. The funniest moment was when he told the husbands in the room to take their wives' hands, look deep into their eyes and say, "Submit!" I think the husbands knew better than to try that, lol. A wise husband realizes that a good wife will submit out of love without the need to order her to do it. I'm so glad Daniel took the initiative to get the tickets for this. I can't remember a better Valentine's day date!
Debt Free!

As of last weekend we paid off the last of our credit card debt and our vehicle is also completely paid for. When we started the program we had a car loan and credit cards totalling almost $20,000 in debt. Now we have no payments except for our mortgage...and we just received a letter from the county assessors office telling us that our home value has gone up about $3,000.
It really is a peaceful feeling knowing that you have an emergency fund and that there isn't a huge pile of debt looming over you just waiting for a disaster to happen. We had set a goal of being debt free before our next baby is born, and we achieved it! Little "Kevin" will be born into a financially peaceful home!
Click the title of this post to go to the Dave Ramsey website!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Bike Blessing

They visited us for a few hours on Saturday. In a stroke of good luck, or maybe God's doing, we happened to be about to donate our old bikes to charity...when Ben mentioned that he wished he had a bike to ride in Del Rio so that he wouldn't have to spend money on gas for his minivan just to grab one little thing from the grocery store.
So Daniel tweaked a few little things on our old bikes, and Ben took one for a test ride around our neighborhood with Danya and Gloria. Fortunately, Ben and Diana were driving a huge van loaned to them for this trip so that they could haul donated items, which meant that they had plenty of room to bring the bikes home with them, too!
Homeschool Buddies

I got the CD by swapping services with Danya's former pre-K teacher, Mrs. Lenaburg. I helped her out with a scrapbook she's making, and she burned me a copy of the CD and a book to go with it.
Then the girls made paper bag puppets with foam animal faces. This was a messy but fun activity! None of the girls get to use glue sticks very often, so it was a special treat. They also got to spend plenty of time just running around and playing together! Next week Betsy is going to teach the girls to make sugar cookies for Valentine's day!
Play Pals and Pregnancy

I also got to eat some of Betsy's delicious homemade carrot cake muffins...mmm...muffins. (sorry, Homer Simpson moment) I like this picture that Daniel took because it shows the beginnings of my little pregnancy tummy!
Reading for Cheese!
Luckily, our friends the Millers were available at the last moment's notice to come with us to Chuck E. Cheese. So Danya, Gloria, Courtney, and Megan each got a huge pile of tokens and ran around like crazed monkeys playing as many games as they possibly could in the two hours we were there. Megan was a little scared of Chuck E., but other than that they all had a great time!
Derby Car Race

When we arrived, Gloria broke off one of the wheels just as we entered the church! Daniel fixed it, but then when we went to register her car, we found out that it was much too light. So a nice man helped her add extra little metal weights around the outside of her car to get it closer to the 5 oz mark.
Danya's car was in three races. She got first, second, and third place, but wasn't the overall fastest. When she won first place she got to turn and wave to the cheering crowd!
It's a BOY!!

Daniel took me to a scrapbook store right after we left the doctor's office so that I could pick up the materials to start his baby album. We are doing a Dr. Seuss theme on his album and in his bedroom. Afterwards, we took the girls to the dollar movie theatre to celebrate. We saw Zathura. There were some intense moments, but the girls enjoyed it overall.
We are sooo excited to finally be having a boy! When we heard the news I almost leapt off the exam table! We were all jumping up and down with joy! The girls want to name him Kevin, and so far that is my and Daniel's favorite name also. I think it would be fun to tell him that his big sisters' chose his name.
Swimming in January?!

I just dipped my feet at first, but Ben and Daniel carried the girls out into the middle and helped them walk along the shelf of stone on the far side. Later, Grandma Nancy, Aunt Diana, and the kids went back home to get started on dinner (burritos, yum!) while Ben, Daniel, and I took a little swim in the river. The water seemed extremely chilly at first, but after we got in up to our shoulders it was great! Then the guys played basketball for a little bit until it was time to go home and eat.
Shalom y La Guitarra

We finished out our Texas road trip in Del Rio. Our niece, Shalom, was the cutest little girl! She says the beginnings of some words like mama and ball. Mostly she likes to be held and to cruise around in her baby walker. Here she is on my lap with her sombrero and tiny guitar.
We had a really good time visiting Ben's family. We got to stand on a dam at the border of Mexico and the U.S. and learn a little about the history of Mexico from uncle Ben. We passed some beautifully scenery along the way! Mostly we just enjoyed spending time with the "Elliotts #3".